The Karate Kid ( Actually Kung fu Kid ) is a reboot of the 1984 Hollywood film Karate Kid and can be considered as a carbon copy of the old version conceptwise. A brilliantly made film which resolves what was lacking in the original 1984 version .Jaden Smith ,in this youger age, has delivered a ver mature performance. It is Will Smith's luck that his son is so young,otherwiseJadon would have been a big competitor !! I had watched the old version very earlier and I beg to differ with all claimings of the 1984 version lovers. This film has a lot of difference in the quality of making,character creation .
Story line is as same as the 1984 version. But they have shifted the atmosphere to China instead of LA and the martial art reffering to is not Karate ,but Kungfu. The film also shows a mockery of Online teaching Medias, like DVD or books. One can never learn a martial art by seeing a DVD or reading books.
Charatcters who strike:
Story line is as same as the 1984 version. But they have shifted the atmosphere to China instead of LA and the martial art reffering to is not Karate ,but Kungfu. The film also shows a mockery of Online teaching Medias, like DVD or books. One can never learn a martial art by seeing a DVD or reading books.
Charatcters who strike:
3 charatcters steal all the show. Obviously Jaden Smith is at No1 position taking the character to a new level ( compared to dull performance of his counterpart (Ralph Macchio) in old vesrion.
His mentor training , before the shooting has been utilized in the film brilliantly.I think that was another flaw in the 1984 version, Ralph has got no karate experience while doing the old karate kid movie and also the actor who portrayed the Trainer , Patt Moritta, was NOT a martial artist. But in this film, when Jackey Chan did the role of trainer, it was much much concieving and also, I have never seen Jackey in such a serious role. Obviously second character who draws our attention is ofcource of Jackey Chan. Then the third character is "Chen" the villain. I don't know anything about this kid actor, but his portrayal of the villain “Chen” and his kungfu skills were brilliant.
Pros and Cons:
Actually first half of the movie seems bit dragging but it gains its pace gradually. The characters are more emotionally linked each other than the older version. Still, I felt depiction of Han’s tragic past and the sentimental drama was not required. I don’t know why the story was manipulated in such a way that the incidents should take place in China. May be , they can use Kungfu instead of Karate and can have Jackey Chan do an important role.Definitely Chan’s presence would have given much better market to the film worldwide.
Cinematography cannot be called as an outstanding one, but of course adequate. Some beautiful visuals of Chinese natural landscapes can be seen in the movie and they are indeed a feast to the eyes.
Apart from the above, the positive is, the thrilling and effective climax.. A director's signature can apparantly be seen here. I remember the climax was not at all thrilling in the previous version. Most of all it was a film based on a boy who learns kung fu and particpates in a tournament,and they show some real kung fu actually ( even though ,the "scissor lock" take down shown in the climax, is usually from another form of martial art called "Vovinam viet vo dao" (vietnamese )). I'm not sure if such technique exists in kung fu) .The old version was a failure in completely depicting real moves. , despite having such a name and theme. Fight choreography is good. No wire-fu seemed to have used, perhaps they might have used, but it cannot be noticed anywhere. In a nutshell, this new version of Karate Kid gives everything which is expected from such a movie.
Overall my rating is 8 / 10.
Overall my rating is 8 / 10.
NB: I don’t take into account of logical points for this film, because after all this is just a movie and clearly a remake of the old classic.
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